With a fast-moving, devastating disease like ALS, we have to live, adapt, and share at the speed of ALS. Unfortunately, existing groups and resources are scattered, making it difficult to learn and connect in real-time.
So we built an ALS community for patients and caregivers in Slack called ALStogether. For those who don’t know Slack — Slack is an incredible platform to chat and connect.
Imagine a person with ALS learns about a new clinical trial, or a caregiver has a question about adaptive equipment - you can open Slack and talk to your fellow pALS and cALS.
With dedicated channels for various topics , from genetic variants to veterans to general support, you can find answers within our platform. Our goal is to have everyone living with ALS across the globe in this community as well as their caregivers. Eventually we'll open this up to ALS organizations and providers.
ALStogether is a project under Social Good Fund, a 501(c)3, and is not operated or affiliated with Salesforce, Inc. ALStogether operates separately and uses Salesforce, Inc. as a service provider to support our services.
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